Garden of Delights 'Dragonfly Taupe'
One of OUR FAVORITE FABRICS! From Jules Davis' Garden of Delights collection for Blend Fabrics. Michael says it has "the trademark elegance that one associates with the [Blend] brand, but also a lightness, a summery quality that particularly attracted me. It features the sinuous, gently flowing curves of a classic damask or brocade, but delicately balanced with rectilinear elements. This pared-down look is accentuated by the use of silhouettes. And did you notice that the silhouettes are not just the usual vegetable and hummingbird forms, but also dragonflies and moths, for an ever so slightly Gothic touch?! The taupe background gives you a lot of choices, and Davis chose a pleasant and recessive silver-ish grey, a mildly acidic chartreuse, a rather rich olive and, finally, a surprisingly intense orange. The effect is to create three clear planes on which the pattern elements operate. I admire Davis’ skill in making each of these layers stand up on its own, even as they work together visually."